If you don't have a Wi-Fi connection, you'll need to transfer the title via USB.
Your Kindle ereader needs a Wi-Fi connection to download library Kindle Books from Amazon. If you're not signed into your Amazon account, select Get Library Book, and sign in.If you're signed into your Amazon account, verify the "Deliver to:" device and select Get Library Book.

If the book doesn't appear in this list, you won't be able to download it on any device. Note: You must complete this step for the book you borrowed to appear in the "Your Content and Devices" list in your Amazon account.

Note: Kindle Books are currently available for U.S. You can borrow Kindle Books from your library's OverDrive website or the OverDrive app, then read them on Kindle devices or Kindle reading apps. Borrowing Kindle Books from your library's OverDrive website or the OverDrive app