
Duke nukem forever mods nexus
Duke nukem forever mods nexus

duke nukem forever mods nexus

The real story, and all you need for story, is the humor, the one-liners, and numerious punches to the nuts. Overall the Pace feels pretty good and the game will keep you entertained, but make no mistakes about it this isnt some jaw dropping story, its enough to tie things together. Its not supposed to be serious its suppose to be fun, and fun it is.


It might not seem like much but the Duke's story this time around catches that B Movie vibe seen in old action flicks staring Bruce Campbell. The story, while antiquated, mediocre, with its cheesy "B movie"-esque tone, brings some humor and some cohesion to the game. Its a nice touch that brings a small smile to my face as i realize Duke is fully modeled to kick ass, take names, and chew some bubble gum. The last FPS game i have seen with that was FEAR nearly 6 years ago.

duke nukem forever mods nexus

The games graphics do have some other nice touches the fact Duke Nukem has legs feet hands arms etc when looking around is, in this day and age, still amazing. Its a game any Duke fan can enjoy, and its not a bad ride visually when its all said and done. Overall the games graphics are passable, but then again can people really complain all that much? well they can, and they have, but overall Duke runs well on ancient hardware. A few nice touches I'd like to mention are: when you pick up a cigar and start shooting some alien bitches the smoke coming off the cigar looks nice and feels authentic in Duke. The hair on many of the females needs better alpha maps so they look less like the polygon planes they are. I do however feel some smaller details would have better helped the game, such as better facial animation and eye movement. Some of the smaller details like levels themselves have great texture work and feel authentic such as the Suite where Duke spends his time, it feels like home sweet home in Duke Nukem. The strippers look good, in terms of Tits & Ass, and average NPCs have good texture work and modeling if not beibg a bit repetitive. The Graphics tend to range from bad to exceptional, examples would be the eyecandy in the game. The game plays as it should its a cut and dry Unreal Engine based shooter with nothing new but nothing missing. Anything that has me doing more then the simple tasks an avid FPS user knows by instinct The average user would call it button mashing but im honestly okay with it since it lets me rip the tusks off a Pig Cop, or rip apart an enemy.


The core gameplay mechanics are rather solid, nothing game changing or game breaking but they are comfortable and for the most part responsive, While I am not a fan of in game quick time events interactivity with Bosses and enemies in general is welcome even to a PC user such as myself. The only thing lacking was some TLC to touch up the sore spots and round out its edges.Īlright now onto the game and how much it may or may not rock. That said, the game dosen't look bad by any means and the attention to detail, when it comes to the Duke himself, his stripper babes, and the big bad aliens who's asses he kicks, the graphics are great. I do hope readers keep this in mind, as while its no excuse for the graphical presentation the game has, it does explain a few things. The games graphical edge is tech based in 2006, and if compared to titles of the time it looks just like it should. The game was finished by a small development team with little support, from makeshift assets. The games assets we see today were created in 2006-2008, which is why many reviewers and gamers bitching about graphics makes alot of sense. The game itself saw 5 different 3D engines during development, and due to the process was probably done from scratch nearly just as many times. During this time, release was considered close, but pushed back with the game eventually slated to use the Unreal Engine and was finally finished on Unreal Engine 2.5. During development the engine was scrapped, upon which Duke Nukem Forever moved to the Quake 1 engine and later to Quake 2 engine. The game started Development in 1996 and originaly began life on the Builder Engine. Where to begin, I think starting from the games' development cycle and how it came to be, is the most important place to start, as it answers many questions. Its here, finally, 15 years since Duke Nukem 3D.

Duke nukem forever mods nexus